Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Now that I have hopefully got your attention from this photo of a pretty cool naked guy holding an unkcooked chicken, I would like to give you an idea of what to expect from this blog. This is my first post of many that will include many different music styles. Firstly we have some dubstep filth from Dub Police's latest signing Doctor P, you may have already heard these tunes as they are proving very popular in the scene, especially 'Sweetshop' which has been smashed by every DJ Dubstep related.

Doctor P - Badman Sound [Extended Mix] by lumar

Doctor P - Sweet Shop (clp) by lumar

However, not only will we be offering the kind of dub that makes you want to be sick it's so dirty, we will also be posting Dub of a more chilled out nature. The post-club 6am anthems. This one is from the infamous Caspa & Rusko, they take a step away from their 'Where's my money you fucking little mug!!!' sound that they were originaly known for, and deliver this amazing track.

Caspa & Rusko - One Of The Same by lumar

Here we have another deep tune, InContext's dubstep version of his own production 'As The Sun Goes Down'.

InContext - As The Sun Goes Down (Dubstep Remix)  by  lumar

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